Recurrent Miscarriage

The diagnosis of recurrent pregnancy loss is made when a couple has two or more miscarriages. Miscarriage also becomes more common as the age of the female partner rises with more than one-third of all pregnancies in women over 40 ending in miscarriage. The underlying problem in patients with recurrent miscarriage is often different from cases of isolated miscarriage which can be due to random chromosomal abnormalities in that particular embryo. Couples who experience recurrent miscarriage may benefit from psychological support and a thorough medical evaluation as listed below:


A healthy lifestyle and folic acid supplementation is recommended before attempting another pregnancy. Smoking cessation, reduced alcohol and caffeine consumption, moderate exercise, and weight control may all be of benefit. Counseling may provide comfort and help cope with the grief, anger, isolation, fear, and helplessness that many individuals experience after repeated miscarriages.